Crowdfunding project 2018
Live Music Beyond Borders! Please support this project
14th June - 30th September 2018
Goal: € 3.500

A project bringing folklore to people with limited access to live music
With this crowdfunding Tourlou makes traditional music more accessible to audiences from different countries that have limited access to live music, either due to physical, economical or geographical reasons. We -Tourlou- want to raise funds to go on a music tour beyond conventional venues: bringing folk music to nursing homes, kindergartens, refugee camps and community centers in Iceland, the Netherlands and Greece.
In order to do this we need your collaboration! If you like our project you can support us! This is how:
(1) BUY A TICKET and come to one of our crowdfunding shows in Iceland, the Netherlands or Greece. More info>>
(2) MAKE A DONATION - if your donation is 25€ or more we will reward you with a copy of our cd. More info>>
All collected funds will be used to cover travel expenses for the concerts given in the host institutions of each country.
For updates check this page and our facebook regularly.

1. Why this project?
Last year Tourlou performed in nursing homes in Japan and the Netherlands, and organised music workshops in refugee camps. There we experienced how live music can help breaking the daily routine and bring people closer to each other.
2. What is our plan?
We -Tourlou- want to offer free concerts in places where people have limited access to live music, such as nursing homes, hospitals, refugee camps, and kindergartens. We will offer these concerts in three different countries: Iceland, the Netherlands and Greece.
By donating or by coming to one of our crowdfunding concerts, you are granting someone else a live music experience - perhaps a refugee in Greece, a senior citizen in Iceland or a toddler in the Netherlands. In this way, we also aim to connect people from the south of Europe all the way up to the far north, bringing down borders.
3. Who are we?
We are a trio that revives traditional songs and stories from all over Europe. We are David Alameda Márquez from Spain, Mayumi Malotaux from the Netherlands and Anna Vala Ólafsdóttir from Iceland, and we are based in Utrecht the Netherlands.
4. How will we use the money you donated?
Your contribution will be used to cover a part of Tourlou's travel expenses so that we can give 'crowdfunded concerts' in Iceland, Netherlands and Greece. These concerts will be offered to nursing homes, kindergartens, refugee camps or community centers free of charge.
5. How can I follow the project after I have donated?
We will keep you updated on this website our facebook.
6. Why are we not using a regular crowdfunding platform?
Crowdfunding platforms take a certain percentage of the collected money which does not go to the project itself. As we want to make sure that all the money goes to the project itself, we chose to do the crowdfunding via our own website.